Monday 19 August 2013

SQL*PLUS Editor Commands

The most recently issued SQL statement is stored in the SQL buffer, independent of whether the
statement has a correct syntax or not. You can edit the buffer using the following commands:
• l [ist] lists all lines in the SQL buffer and sets the current line (marked with an ”*”) to the last line in
the buffer.
• l sets the actual line to
• c [hange]// replaces the first occurrence of by
(for the actual line)
• a[ppend] appends to the current line
• del deletes the current line
• r[un] executes the current buffer contents
• get reads the data from the file into the buffer
• save writes the current buffer into the file
• edit invokes an editor and loads the current buffer into the editor. After exiting the editor the modified SQL statement is stored in the buffer and can be executed (command r). The editor can be defined in the SQL*Plus shell by typing the command define editor = , where can be any editor such as emacs, vi, joe, or jove.

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