Showing posts with label Cucumber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cucumber. Show all posts

Thursday 10 July 2014

Cucumber vs TestNG : Which is better?

I have been a long time user of TestNG.  Few months back, I started exploring about Cucumber. It was a wish from my client to create automation framework using Cucumber. I searched on web & found many blogs on Cucumber & its implementation. I started with assumption that Cucumber will replace TestNG. After working for few months, I came to following conclusion they are as follows -

  • Cucumber is a collaboration tool, which lets non-technical people write executable specifications. Those executable specifications test your app from the outside - like a black box.
  • Cucumber is not meant to be used as a unit testing tool.
  •  It allows to write automated acceptance tests, functional requirements and software documentation into one format that would be understandable by non-technical people as well as testing tools
  • You can implement your tests using the same language you use to discuss them with the business. 
  • Cucumber adds the overhead of plain English (or other native language) to executable code conversion
  • Good for acceptance testing

  • TestNG are unit testing tools. They are great for testing individual classes, but not great for executable specifications that are readable (and writeable) by non-technical people.
  • It facilitates to test individual classes.
  •  You can group tests using tags.
  •  TestNG supports a lot of complicated practices like priorities, grouping, listener etc. 
  •  Useful when you have to automate large number of test case

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Working with Selenium WebDriver and Cucumber without Maven

Download jar files

List of jar file needed to configure Cucumber is as follows -
1.       cucumber-core-1.1.5.jar
2.       cucumber-html-0.2.3.jar
3.       cucumber-java-1.1.5.jar
4.       cucumber-junit-1.1.5.jar
5.       cucumber-jvm-deps-1.0.3.jar
6.       gherkin-2.12.2.jar
7.       hamcrest-core-1.3.jar
8.       jchronic-0.2.6.jar
9.       Junit-4.11.jar
10.     Selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar

Create Cucumber Project in Eclipse

1. Go to [File -> New -> Java Project]

2. Enter project name in [Project Name] field

3. Click on [Finish] button

4. Delete [src ] folder of this project

5. [Right click on Project folder] & select [Source Folder]

6. Enter value [src/test/resources] in [Folder Name] field

7. Click on [Finish] button

8. [Right click on Project folder] & select [Source Folder]

9. Enter value [src/test/java] in [Folder Name] field

10. Click on [Finish] button

11. [Right click on Project folder] & select [Source Folder]

12. Enter value [src/main/java] in [Folder Name] field

13. Click on [Finish] button

14.  Add above downloaded jar file into Build path of your Selenium Project.